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The Dream of St Ursula dfg The Tree of Crows KEY, Adriaan Famous Persons- Pippo Spano Portrait of the artist with a palette -0 Carl Oscar Borg The Road to the Market. Chipley The Nativity The Birth of Venus Loachapoka Arlingtonheights Self Portrait Andrea Vaccaro The Children of John Angerstein John Jul Judith and Holophernes sg The Triumph of Religion in the Arts Boat Put in Fisher King Cophetua and the Beggar Maid Why Are You Angry Flanagan Marcia Painting her Self-Portrait Wapping Newtown Lady with a Glove - Mme, Carolus - Duran Sleeping Girl Sanmanuel Piotrkow Trybunalski The Marriage of Cupid and Psyche Burley The Birth of St. John the Baptist wr Haymakers at dinner -47- Alcacer do Sal Portrait of a Man in a Slouch Hat Self Portrait ff

Oil Painting ID::. 37149


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